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From all seven chapters represented within Marquette’s Panhellenic Community, we are delighted that you have come across our page and are eager to learn about what it is like to be a part of the Panhellenic Association (PHA) at Marquette University. Through my time in PHA, I have had the opportunity to witness friendships grow within individual chapters and across all seven amazing chapters here at Marquette. Although Alpha Xi Delta is the place I call home, I have found coworkers in Sigma Kappa who never fail to make me smile and Kappa Delta women who are always there when I need a shoulder to cry on. These are just a few examples of the numerous relationships that I have formed while being a part of Greek Life here at MU, and experiences like these are just the beginning for many Panhellenic women. The women within Marquette’s Panhellenic community and the community as a whole have changed my life for the better.


Every single person within this community is selfless, driven, brave, and your biggest cheerleader. Watching these women, whom I care deeply about, raise thousands of dollars not only for their own but also for others' philanthropies is inspiring. These women put their heart and soul into finding every woman their right home through both formal and informal recruitment and always offer a smile when you’re walking down Wisconsin Ave and need it the most. These women are not only dedicated to their work within Greek life, but they are also involved outside of our community as well. Greek women secure highly competitive internships, establish their own clubs, and fundraise to serve the Milwaukee community and beyond.


As President, I am committed to rebuilding the Panhellenic Association after the COVID-19 pandemic brought our lives to a halt. I am passionate about bringing more women home now that we, as a community, can be back together again. I intend to do this by fostering a sense of inclusion within our community. I'll start by hosting events that include not only current chapter women but also anyone looking to get involved in Greek life. I want to focus on ensuring that every chapter and chapter woman feels like a valued part of the Panhellenic Community. This can be accomplished by planning events rooted in team building and involvement. Greek Week is one example that I would love to see return to its full glory before the pandemic took over the world. I also would like Marquette Panhellenic Council to work more with the cultural sororities and fraternities on campus. Our VP Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Position will ensure that goals like these are a priority within our executive board.


Ultimately, I am in this position because I want to give back to the community that has given me more than I could have ever asked for. This community has taught me how to be a leader, that I am strong, and that I can handle whatever the world puts in front of me. As President, I will put my all into making sure that women have as positive an experience in Greek life as I have had. I want to be someone that people can lean on and someone that people trust. This community is already so strong, and I want to help it grow even stronger. Please look through our website and social media (@Marquettepanhellenic on Instagram) and keep in mind my testimony as you browse our page. I know that you can find your forever home within this community – I surely have.

Panhel love,

Maggie Carroll

Panhellenic President 2024

A letter from our president


© 2024 Marquette University Panhellenic Association​

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