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  • There is no substitute for women helping women. Sororities serve as mentoring groups, and our mentors encourage young alumnae to keep their passions alive and help develop personal networks.

  • The beauty of the sorority experience is that it does not end when the graduate receives her diploma.Young alumnae can find instant connections through new friends in sorority alumnae organizations and reap the benefits that come from female mentors.

  • An independent survey released by Gallup Education found that college graduates who are fraternity and sorority members fare better than all other college graduates in a variety of long-term outcomes.

  • Research indicates a set of core competencies that graduates need as part of the 21st century skill set to be socially adept.

    • Interact effectively with others. The sorority setting teaches this skill and goes one step further by providing an intergenerational component to the interaction by virtue of alumnae advisors.

    • Respond open-mindedly to various perspectives. A sorority chapter promotes the type of environment where ideas are shared and issues are debated as a learning laboratory. People learn from other people when the lens of another perspective is considered. 

    • Leverage differences and strengths of others in order to foster innovation. Sororities encourage committee work whereby members learn the benefit of teamwork and collaboration that ultimately results in positive outcomes.


NPC’s chapters work hard to go above and beyond the call to uphold its four pillars: scholarship, leadership, service, and sisterhood. We pride ourselves as leaders and contributors in the Marquette community. Panhellenic Association, Inter-fraternity Council and National Panhellenic Council are united as one by the Marquette University Greek Life Mission Statement.

Marquette Greek Life Mission Statement:​

"As a Catholic, Jesuit University, Marquette Greek Life serves the University Mission with integrity and aspires for excellence while respecting the dignity and diversity of its members. Our Greek community exists to enhance the lives of individuals by raising awareness and serving the needs of Marquette University and the greater Milwaukee community. Through the bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood, Marquette Greek Life strives to strengthen its members through scholarship, leadership, and service."

© 2024 Marquette University Panhellenic Association​

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